#!/usr/local/bin/python # This CGI script can be placed anywhere that a webserver will execute it. # Access to all Flamenco instances is provided through this one script. # Ka-Ping Yee , September 21, 2005 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following line should specify the Flamenco installation directory. FLAMENCO_DIR='/usr/local/flamenco' # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys, os, time, cgitb cgitb.enable() thisfile = os.path.basename(__file__) INSTANCES_DIR = os.path.join(FLAMENCO_DIR, 'instances') path = os.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '').replace('/', ' ').split() instance = path and path[0] or '' os.environ['PATH_INFO'] = '/' + '/'.join(path[1:]) def exists(instance): instdir = os.path.join(INSTANCES_DIR, instance) return os.path.isdir(instdir) def running(instance): instdir = os.path.join(INSTANCES_DIR, instance) pidfile = os.path.join(instdir, 'appserverpid.txt') if os.path.isfile(pidfile): pid = open(pidfile).read().strip() for line in os.popen('ps -o pid -p %s' % pid, 'r'): if line.strip() == pid: return 1 return 0 def quit(*text): print 'Content-Type: text/html\n\n' print '''


University of California, Berkeley

''' % '\n'.join(text) sys.exit(0) #try: sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(FLAMENCO_DIR, 'python')) import MySQLdb #except: # quit('''The MySQLdb module for Python could not be loaded. Flamenco # needs this module in order to work. Please reinstall Flamenco # or download the # module from SourceForge.''') if instance: launchable = os.access(os.path.join( INSTANCES_DIR, instance, 'flamenco-%s' % instance), os.X_OK) if exists(instance): if not running(instance): if not launchable: quit('The %r instance is not running ' % instance, 'and autostart is not enabled for this instance.') server = os.path.join(FLAMENCO_DIR, 'bin', 'flamenco-server') os.system('%s "%s" &' % (server, instance)) for i in range(15): time.sleep(1) if running(instance): break if running(instance): WEBWARE_DIR = os.path.join(FLAMENCO_DIR, 'webware') sys.path.insert(1, WEBWARE_DIR) from WebKit.Adapters import CGIAdapter CGIAdapter.main(os.path.join(INSTANCES_DIR, instance)) else: LOG_PATH = os.path.join(INSTANCES_DIR, instance, 'log.txt') log = '

Check the log file at %r for more details. ' % LOG_PATH try: loglines = os.popen('tail -25 "%s"' % LOG_PATH).read() loglines = loglines.replace('&', '&').replace('<', '<') log += 'Here are the last few lines:

' % loglines except: pass quit('The %r instance failed to start. %s' % (instance, log)) else: quit('There is no Flamenco instance named %r.' % instance) else: items = [] if not os.path.isdir(INSTANCES_DIR): quit('The instance directory %r is missing.' % INSTANCES_DIR) for instance in os.listdir(INSTANCES_DIR): dir = os.path.join(INSTANCES_DIR, instance) url = '%s/%s/Flamenco' % (thisfile, instance) if os.path.isdir(dir): if os.access(os.path.join(dir, 'flamenco-%s' % instance), os.X_OK): items.append('
  • %s' % (url, instance)) if not running(instance): items.append('(not running, click to start)') elif running(instance): items.append('
  • %s' % (url, instance)) else: items.append('
  • %s (not running, not startable)' % instance) if items: quit('Choose a Flamenco instance:', '' % '\n'.join(items)) else: quit('There are no Flamenco instances yet. ', 'To create one, use the command:', '
    %s/bin/flamenco import